Volume 46 / 2018
An Empirical Analysis of Organizational Ethical Climate and Its Impact on Organizational Commitment in Japanese Funded Enterprisers Doing Business in China
Author: Keikoh RYU
Abstract: Insofar as human resource management (HRM) takes place within a certain organizational ethical climate, an understanding of the relationship between the two is essential for the improvement of HRM. This paper explores the impact of organizational ethical climate on organizational commitment in Japanese funded enterprises (JFEs) doing business in China’s manufacturing industry.
Classification-JEL: M12, M21, M54.
Keywords: Organizational ethical climate; organizational commitment; organizational performance; human resource management; HRM; JFEs
The New Paradigm of Innovation Economics in the 21st Century: Solving the Enigma of Economic Growth
Author: Lejla TERZIC
Abstract: Innovation economics has become one of the most valuable fields of explorations in the new millennium. The new changing environment of a knowledge-based economy in the 21st century requires a new obligation for economic policy established on innovation economics. Without an economic theory and economic doctrines that face with the new paradigm and circumstances, it will be very difficult for policy creators to perform the activities required to accelerate economic growth. The aim of this article is to investigate the new paradigm of innovation economics in solving the enigma of economic growth model and indicators in selected advanced and emerging countries. In order to examine the interdependence between the indicators of innovation, well-being, human development and economic growth, several meth-odological evaluation tools have been employed. The determination of interdependence between selected indicators was performed by SPSS 23.0 statistical software package. Also, the article deals with new economic growth model, in accordance with a concise consideration of innovation economics and other economic doctrines afflicting to reveal the basic sources of economic growth, that emphasize the performance of economic, political and social institutions. The conducted research demonstrates that appropriate policies can help in diminishing the problems that remain in emerging countries.
Classification-JEL: B10, B20, C88, O30, 047
Keywords: economic doctrines, innovation economics, new paradigm, enigma of economic growth
Regional patterns of Romanian emigration. A Geographically Weighted Regression Model
Author: Zizi GOSCHIN
Abstract: Analyses of emigration flows and their factors of influence are usually conducted at aggregate country level, thus ignoring the existence of large regional inequalities. Since regions are very diverse, the key drivers of emigration are likely to change in space and act with variable intensity, creating different regional patterns. The presence of broad regional inequalities and the concentration of high emigration flows in a few regions, as in the Romanian case, require specific investigation tools, such as the geographically weighted regression (GWR) which is able to highlight the spatial variations in regression parameters. This method provides coefficient estimaties that change from one region to another, according to spatially defined weights; therefore it lets the model to fluctuate territorially, capturing the real spatial patterns of the phenomenon under investigation. Starting from these considerations we analysed the main determinants of the emigration flows in Romania with a GWR model, using new regional migration data issued by the National Institute of Statistics following the last census. We explored the counties’ vulnerability to emigration in relation to several important influence factors: local development level, earnings, employment, and education. Our findings provide some new insights into this topic, revealing sizeable territorial variation in emigration determinants and pointing to the counties that are more strongly afected by certain factors of influence. These results represent an improvement compared to those provided by the traditional global models, which are unable to distinguish the spatial variation in estimations. The county-specific estimates resulting from the GWR model represent useful information for shaping appropriate migration policies, specifically tailored to meet the local needs.
Classification-JEL: C52, R12, J6.
Keywords: push factors; geographically weighted regression; counties; Romania.
Exports, industries’ technological intensity, capital and labour market in Romania
Authors: Elena BANICA, Valentina VASILE
Abstract: The paper is focused on the export activity in Romania, in relation with labour market and technological intensity of manufacturing industries. At similar technological intensity, we analysed whether labour market segmentation takes place in relation with the form of capital ownership, i.e., higher attractiveness for employment in foreign capital firms due to the benefits of labour payment. The study reveals the existence of advantages; however, they are not significant to produce strong segmentation on the market, based on the often-erroneous perception of the potential and productive intent of foreign capital.
Classification-JEL: D24; F16; F23; F61
Keywords: export, productivity, labour market, capital ownership, foreign capital, technological intensity of industry.